Our Services
Our Services
© 2019 MKP System Engineering
Our Partners and Consultants are internationally accredited in Human Resource Management and Development, Organizational Behaviour and Employment Law
HR Process Assessment, strategy, procedures, concepts & implementation
Search & Selection
Executive Search, Head Hunting, Direct Approach
Handbooks, Policy & Procedure Design
Training &
Assessment Centre, Development Centre, Customer Care, HR Topics, Sales, Leadership workshops
KPI's Performance Management Strategies, Models & Results
Employee Engagement
& Retention
Communication, influencing, conflict & ambiguity management, team motivation and engagement
Workforce Planning
Succession Planning and Organizational Culture - strategy, procedures concepts & implementation
Individual coaching competencies, coaching for women, career and leadership coaching
Outplacement Services
Career councelling & professional orientation
Examination of decisions and actions of management to analyze performance
Expat Management &
Corporate Mobility Services
Immigration, removals, induction & support
Psychoanalityc Group
Analytical audit and psychoanalytic interventions with institutional groups
Organizational Transformation, Capabilities, Holistic, Tools, ADKAR Method, Return on Investment
© 2019 MKP System Engineering
Great teams don't just happen!
People Management merged with Talent Management creates the leadership of tomorrow. Our Talent Management division offers the right programs for the high potentials in your company.
From idea to business, Discovering your talent
Finding your higher purpose
Identifying your mission
Solutions and tools for your startup
Creative content and market positioning
Artistic Talent
Customized Know-how transfer and implementation
Creating your personalized "out of the box" brand
Generating business opportunities
Business models and networking
Art Exhibitions
© 2019 MKP System Engineering
Event strategy &
Conceptualizing and delivering events for our clients, providing creative and individualized event management solutions.
Working together with a dedicated project manager and graphic designer, we design and conceptualise creative content for your online use.
Looking to create or improve your company image or product, we consult closely with you in order to better understand your brand and how to bring it to life.
Digital products/
Our strategical partnership with a software development company allows us to provide you with, state of the art digital products and applications, keeping your business up to date in the ever-evolving world of technology.
© 2019 MKP System Engineering
Infrastructure projects
Highways / Railways
Contract Management
Project Management
Project Finance
Project Control
Feasibility Studies
Public / Private Partnerships
Commercial Management
Contract Negotiation
International Business
© 2019 MKP System Engineering
MKP/Art on Site forms part of MKP's Talent Management Division -
specialising in the representation of artists and their unique talents.
Artist Management & Representation
© 2019 MKP System Engineering
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Din 25.05.2018 intra in vigoare Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal.
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Daca doriti sa va inregistrati pe site-ul nostrum, sa primiti si dupa data de 25 mai 2018, noutati cu privire la job-urile, serviciile, evenimentele, si campaniile brandului MKP, va rugam sa ne transmiteti un MAIL la aceasta notificare astfel:
DA = doresc sa ma inregistrez in baza dvs. de date, doresc sa primesc newsletter-uri. (Va rugam sa actualizati si datele dvs prin mentionarea numelui, prenumelui, numarului de telefon si a adresei de corespondenta.)
*Sunt de acord cu utilizarea şi prelucrarea datelor mele cu caracter personal de către S.C. MKP SYSTEM ENGINEERING S.R.L., cu sediul in Judetul Ilfov, Corbeanca, Str. Unirii nr. 81, vila 3, prin intermediul personalului autorizat, în scopul preluării datelor mele de contact pentru a mi se transmite newsletter-uri, oferte de job-uri, mesaje cu caracter de business.
Înțeleg drepturile pe care subiecţii datelor cu caracter personal le deţin, dreptul la informare, dreptul de acces la datele personale transmise prin acest formular, dreptul de intervenţie asupra datelor, dreptul de opoziţie, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale, dreptul de stergerea datelor (dreptul de a fi uitat), dreptul la retragerea consimțământului acordat, întelegand că această acțiune conduce la imposibilitatea continuării raporturilor acceptate anterior, fără a afecta legalitatea prelucrării efectuate până la momentul retragerii consimțământului.
Înțeleg că datele mele cu caracter personal vor fi păstrate exclusiv pentru îndeplinirea scopurilor acceptate precum și a celor care au la bază alte temeiuri juridice decât prezentul consimțământ.
Drepturile de mai sus pot fi exercitate printr-o solicitare scrisă către către S.C. MKP SYSTEM ENGINEERING S.R.L., cu sediul în Judetul Ilfov, Corbeanca, Str. Unirii nr. 81, vila 3 sau la adresa de email contact@mkpsystemengineering.com .
Daca nu primim acordul, datele dumneavoastra vor fi sterse din baza noastra de date incepand cu 25 mai 2018.
Pentru informatii suplimentare legate de protectia datelor va rugam sa ne transmiteti un e-mail la adresa contact@mkpsystemengineering.com si vom raspunde in cel mai scurt timp.
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